For The Future Ghana | Non-Profit Organization

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the FTF Village?

The For the Future (FTF) Village will be an eco-friendly and self-sustaining gated community in Adukrom – Aprebi, Eastern region for underprivileged children in Ghana.

What is age range of the children?
The FTF village will accomodate children aged 2 – 18

How will the FTF Village be built?
The project will be in phases. It will be built in ten years, starting from 2021. We’re already in the land acquisition stage (initial deposit paid for the land at Adukrom – Apredi)

Who are the resource persons and how will FTF find them?
We will work on partnerships with other organizations who will be interested in helping us develop the children to reach their full potential. We will also recruit volunteers both in Ghana and abroad. The FTF team is made up of young people studying in diverse programs in various universities across the country and abroad. As upcoming professionals, we will act as resource persons at the FTF village, in addition to others who will volunteer from time to time.

What makes the FTF Village different from an orphange?
Although orphanages in Ghana do their best to bring up orphans their focus tends to be on children’s basic needs. The focus of the FTF Village will include formal education, vocational and technical training (according to strengths and talents) through resource persons, while still seeing to the basic needs of the children.

Will there be a school for the children at FTF Village?
There will be an educational block. The children will be taken through a more practical approach to learning at the FTF Village tutors. To enhance this experience, efforts will be made to procure requisite teaching and learning materials and tools to provide beneficiaries with hands on participation. The curriculum will be designed such that attention is given to courses which involve significant memory work and activity. This will augment the beneficiaries cognitive, physical, social and artistic faculties. However, the children will go to school outside the FTF Village in order to interact with the other children. There will also be a skill/talent training block.

Will there be a school for the children at FTF Village?
In order to ensure a sustainable future, the beneficiaries will be linked with institutions, firms and other organisations which may require their expertise in their selected scope of work.We will nurture our beneficiaries to be qualified and competitive in the working world so that they are sufficient and can start their own ventures as well. They will also be able to give back to the society and the organisation so that more underprivileged children can be helped.

How will the facility be sustained?
The FTF Village will be self-sufficient and environmentally sustainable. We will establish a farm to provide food for the children, and we will sell some of the produce to generate revenue. Our community of pioneers, members and stakeholders contribute money to the organisation on a regular basis, and there will be recreational facilities for outsiders to help the facility generate revenue.

How can you support the project?
You may donate to support the construction of the FTF Village through our GoFundMe account.You may also donate to us via our Mobile Money number 0595855455

Or our bank account
Account Name : For The Future Ghana
Account Number: 1441002365069
Bank: Ecobank
Branch: Weija

You can support us with kind as well, and you can partner with us to make this dream a reality.

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